3rd World Farmer Unblocked
3rd World FarmerHints:-Submitted by: David K.Keep the Family Healthy:-Over time, each of your family members will get sick due to overwork andthe environment. Try to save up money to treat the whole family at once,it's much more economical this way. Click on any family member, then clickGive Medicine to see your options.Invest in Infrastructure:-While buying a cell phone or investing in a nearby road may seem like anextravagance, over the long term these items will pay off - not to mentionboosting your final score!Hint:-Submitted by: Alex PGo for a long period of time just planting one of each crop. If you don'thave enough money to begin with, try selling the children. You only get $10per child, and only if they have full health, so best to do it closer to thestart of the game.
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Also, if you hav a single adult running the farm, trymarrying and them making that spouse leave the farm. You get $20 for thehealthy spouse to leave the farm, but the amount you get when they jointhe family varies.